What’s in a Word? Unlocking Habit Consistency
Turns out, for building lasting habits, a single word can carry a whole story.

The Case for Prioritising Hobbies
Indulge me while I make the case for including hobbies in your goals and self-care routines for the remainder of the year. I assure you, your chosen hobby can boost your physical and mental wellbeing.

A Rich Life Beyond Happiness
What makes a good life? Through my work in aged care, I’m fortunate to ponder this question regularly. It is common as people enter their final life chapter to analyse their lives and ask, ‘did I live a good life?’ How will we know?

Navigating Life’s Quakes
Bruce Feiler, author of ‘Life is in the Transitions’, who coined the term lifequakes to describe times of great transition in our lives, estimates most of us spend on average half of our adult lives in upheaval being unexpectedly uprooted from our planned path. So it makes sense to develop strategies to successfully navigate major life transitions.

Introducing Mind Bites: A Podcast for Curious Minds
Mind Bites is all about understanding ourselves better—why we think, feel, and act the way we do. Each bite-sized episode takes a deep yet digestible dive into topics like expectations, purpose, and vulnerability. It’s a space where we unravel the complexities of the human experience and offer practical tools to gain clarity, perspective, and even a little peace.